
How to Get Rid of the Ads.txt Manager Plugin

Published on January 5, 2022 | Updated on August 13, 2023

Dear WordPress user, in this tutorial you will learn how to get rid of the ads.txt manager plugin without affecting your earnings.

Why would you want to do something like that?. There are two simple reasons:

  • I like reducing the plugins to the ones I really need.
  • You can achieve what the plugin does in some other easy ways.

Wanna learn how? continue reading.

Why Would you use Ads.txt Manager Plugin?

I am a big fan of placing adsense ad units using Ad Inserter, it is one of the most popular plugins to do that job.

Ad Inserter and other ad management plugins have the option to create the ads.txt file in your WordPress and make sure the file is available when you visit “yoursite.com/ads.txt”

If you stick to the Adsense program, you probably don’t need to do any of this but if you start using Ezoic, they will ask you to create an account in AdsTxtManager.com

When you are done setting everything up, you have to redirect “yoursite.com.com/ads.txt” to “https://srv.adstxtmanager.com/1111/yoursite.com”

How to Get Rid of the Ads.txt Manager Plugin

Some people think it is magic but it is just a simple redirect that you can do with the Ads.txt Manager plugin or using another plugin that has redirection functionalities.

Redirection Plugin

This is how I did using SEOPress Pro.

Redirections with the .HTACCESS File

If you don’t have a plugin to create redirections, you can paste the code into your htaccess file and that’s all that you need to do.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Redirect 301 /ads.txt https://srv.adstxtmanager.com/1111/yoursite.com

In both cases, remember to change yoursite.com with the name of your site and the number “1111” with the number assigned to your account on the AdsTxtManager.com website.

Test the changes in an incognito window to make sure everything is fine

Now you have one less plugin to worry about

Redirections with CloudFlare

You have 3-page rules on CloudFlare that you can for several purposes. If you have one left, you can create a redirection at the DNS level.

And this is how you do it, make sure it works before deleting the ads.txt manager plugin from your site.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel. I am writing about things I know and things that I am learning about WordPress. I hope you find the content of this blog useful.






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