
I didn’t get my Adsense Payment [Solved]

Published on July 23, 2022 | Updated on May 26, 2024

I love using Adsense. It is simple, it is transparent and you have lots of data to increase your revenue.

I have never had any issues with my Adsense payments until June 2022.

On June 24th, I got the usual email from Adsense letting me know that they have already made the wire transfer and that I should wait five business days to get my payment.

Five business days passed and there was no sign of my Adsense payment.

So I contacted my bank to find out if there was a problem or if the transaction has been denied or something.

My bank indicated to me that I should contact Google Adsense since they don’t have any records of any transactions under my name during June.

Google Adsense Payment Troubleshooter: July 11th

If you are in such a hurry to get your money, let me be clear, you won’t get it anytime soon.

You have to wait from 10 to 15 business days to contact Adsense.

This is a screenshot taken from the official Adsense Twitter account.

Internal Wire Transfers

I waited for ten business days to pass and I contacted Google Adsense via the support troubleshooter.

Google says that if you don’t get your payment, they can do three things for you:

We review your payment history and confirm whether your payment was issued successfully.

If your payment was cancelled, we contact your bank to find out why, then let you know how to fix the issue and receive your payment.

If it wasn’t cancelled, we put you in touch with our finance team who help you track your payment with a SWIFT copy/UTR. Your bank can use the SWIFT copy/UTR to find your payment as it contains information such as the time and date when the bank received your payment.

Wire transfer FAQ

After filling out the form, I didn’t get any response or confirmation that someone was assigned to the case.

Google Adsense Payment Troubleshooter: July 18th

Since I didn’t get any confirmation after 10 business days, I consider filling out the form again after 15 business days

Request Swift Copy

I didn’t hear anything back from Adsense so on July 21st, I wrote this in the community support forum instead.

Adsense Payment not received

On July 22nd, I got a response from The Billing and Payments Team

Response from Adsense

I kinda have faith in Adsense so when I got this email. I knew that they were going to figure out what happened and that I wasn’t gonna lose my hard-earned money.

What about my July Payment

I don’t know what caused the problem with my June payment but I knew this was gonna take a long time to figure out.

I didn’t want this situation to happen twice in a row because that would be sort of depressing so I changed my payment information in my Google Adsense account panel on time and I got my July payment on July 22nd via a different bank.

I haven’t had any payment issues since them

So What Happened with My Adsense Payment?

I read somewhere that the investigation by Adsense was gonna take a while so I waited until August 22nd to ask for some happy news.

Where is my money?

I replied to the email sent by the Adsense team on July 21st and waited patiently.

A few hours later, the money I wasn’t paid in July was added back to my Adsense account.

I also got an email telling me that my bank had rejected the transaction and that was the reason why I didn’t get my payment in June.

Since I am not using that bank anymore to get Adsense earnings anymore, I didn’t give it much thought.

On August 23rd, I got transferred the missing payment money so I can tell you that I didn’t lose my money and that this story had a happy ending.

If you are here because you are going through this problem right now, you have to be patient and keep in mind that everything will be sorted out.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel. I am writing about things I know and things that I am learning about WordPress. I hope you find the content of this blog useful.






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