
Code Snippets Plugins: The War

Published on July 21, 2022 | Updated on October 30, 2023

Do you use code snippets to avoid installing one more plugin on your WordPress site?

Currently, I have more than 20 code snippets on all of my sites that let me customize the GeneratePress theme and the way WordPress works.

Most of those code snippets help me speed up my sites.

Right now developers have discovered they can make some money out of code snippets plugins.

These are my thoughts about the most used and known code snippets plugins.

Why not use the Functions.PHP file directly?

There are a few reasons why it is generally not a good idea to place code snippets directly in the functions.php file:

  • If you add a lot of code snippets directly to the functions.php file, it can quickly become cluttered and difficult to maintain.
  • When a code snippet is messing with another functionality of your site, you are forced to remove them all and test them one by one. Code Snippets plugins make that process easier.

If you still want to use the functions.php of a child theme, it is advisable to test new code snippets using a code snippets plugin before adding them to the file.

Code Snippets Pro

Code Snippets pro is the plugin that I have been using all this time.

I like it because it does what it says it does but it is kinda limited.

Now the developers are going to release the premium version which promises to incorporate some of the features brought to life by its competitors

I like what the plugin does and what the plugin will become once their subscription model starts paying their developer bills.

Having said that, I don’t like their pricing model.

Code Snippets Pro

If you have 10 sites, you have to pay $119 a year , that’s insane.


WPCodeBox doesn’t have a free version of its plugin on the WordPress repository so not many people know about it.

But the plugin is getting noticed by more and more users who like using code snippets to develop and design WordPress sites.

WPCodeBox requires only an one-time payment:


WPCodeBox prices are way better than paying a yearly subscription for Code Snippets Pro.

Woody Code Snippets 

Woody Code Snippets is another popular code snippets plugin that is active in more than +80000

I used the plugin for a long time to insert ads then I left it because Ad Inserter does a better job in the Display ads department.

I gave it another try but I hated the ads and notices to make you buy their Pro version.

Now that money can be made selling code snippets plugins, they want to enter the war and become another player.

Advanced Scripts

Advanced Scripts is a new pro code snippets plugin that seems to beat the current version of Code Snippets and Woody Code Snippets.

And guess what?

They have lifetime deals and their prices are better than the new Code Snippet Pro and WPCodeBox.


WPCode is the latest code snippets plugin that joined the fight.

It is a plugin that replaced Insert Footers and Headers so technically it has more than one million active activations.


I like what the plugin does. It has the option to import snippets from other plugins such as Woody Code Snippets and Code Snippets Pro

Who is the Winner?

I have been thinking more about CSS, JS, and PHP these days.

I have replaced several plugins with the help of code snippets so I like this movement moving forward.

I guess WordPress users are winners here.

Experienced WordPress content creators might start sharing a bit of what they know now that code snippets have risen in popularity.

What am I using?

I have been using the free version of Code Snippets Pro all this time, but I am in the process of moving my snippets to the mu-plugin folder.

I had never used the mu-plugin folder before and I like how simple it is to create basic plugins for WordPress.

You don’t need to be a PHP developer to create mu-plugins since most useful code snippets are shared by WordPress experts and enthusiasts everywhere online.

If you know the basics of PHP or at least understand what PHP and WordPress can do for you, you can use AI to create simple plugins for you.

More about Code Snippets

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Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel. I am writing about things I know and things that I am learning about WordPress. I hope you find the content of this blog useful.






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