
Powered Cache Review: Caching Plugin

Published on July 2, 2022 | Updated on August 30, 2022

There are many caching plugins to make your WordPress site fly, some of them are available for free, some of them have free features and the third group are plugins that you have get your card out if you want to give them a try.

Powered Cache is another caching plugin that falls in the second category, you get a lot of features for free and you have to get premium if you want to unlock others.

I don’t use caching plugins when I am using CloudFlare APO or CloudFlare Full Page Caching so I don’t have a favorite or a recommendation.

These are my thoughts about Powered Cache, a plugin with more than 2000 active installations.

Powered Cache

Powered Cache has nine major sections at the moment of writing this post.

Powered Cache

These are my thoughts about each one of the sections.

Basic Options

This section lets you enable page caching.

One thing that I like is that you can set the lifespan of the cache

Powered Cache - Cache Timeout

Advanced Options

This options might not be needed by many users, you use this section in case you don’t want to create exceptions.

File Optimization

This section has options to minify HTML, CSS and Scripts. I checked the source code and this plugin does a better job than adsense when it comes to minification.

This section also has options to combine CSS and Scripts and I don’t do that at all since it is not recommended.

Media Optimization

My favorite plugin for lazy loading images, iframes and videos is Optimize More: Images

If you don’t want to have an extra plugin, you can lazy load your images using Powered Cache.

CDN Integration

This is a section that you find in most optimization plugins.

I don’t have uses for it since I use CloudFlare.


I love preloading the pages to make sure the visitors get the fastest version of your site.

You can enable preloading for your site posts, pages and taxonomies

If you want to use sitemap preloading, you have to buy premium.


There are options to clean up the database inside the Powered Cache Plugin.


These are the Powered Cache extension available for free:

  • The CloudFlare Extension: Necessary if you add your sites to CloudFlare.
  • The Heartbeat Extension: If you don’t need the heartbeat feature, you can disable it by using a code snippet.

These are premium extensions

  • The Varnish Extension: If you use Cloudways like I do, you might want to use this.
  • The Google Tracking Extension: I think that using Minimal Analytics is better than hosting Google Analytics locally.
  • The Facebook Tracking: I don’t need this feature


You won’t find anything in this section to make your WordPress site faster

More about Speed Optimization

You might want to check some of these posts before you leave:

  1. Lazy Load Images, Iframes and Videos
  2. How to Add Custom CSS to Your WordPress Site
  3. Optimize the Block Library StyleSheet
  4. Are CloudFlare APO and Full Page Caching the same?
  5. Are CloudFlare APO and Full Page Caching the same?
  6. Code Snippets: The War
  7. Perfmatters: Love it or Leave it
Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel. I am writing about things I know and things that I am learning about WordPress. I hope you find the content of this blog useful.






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