
How to Increase your Ezoic EPMV

Published on December 8, 2021 | Updated on August 13, 2023

I decided to read all the official and non-official documentation to understand how to increase my Ezoic EPMV because I want to make more money.

EPMV stands for “Earnings Per Thousand Visitors”.This is how much money you earn, for every 1,000 visits to your website

Let’s check what the influencers have to say about how to get a better EPMV

Get Traffic from the US

I find the “go and get traffic from the richest countries in the World” funny because it is pretty obvious thing to do.

If you get more traffic from countries such as Canada, England, United States, Australia, you are gonna get more money from Display ads.

If you get traffic from the richest countries in the world, you are gonna see improvements in any ad network.

What I don’t like about this kind of advice is that you might see some improvement in your EPMV and you might think that Ezoic and the machine learning did this.

Add more Placeholders

If you have to add more placeholders, I recommend using the Ad Inserter plugin so you have more control over them.

The “adding more placeholders recommendation” sometimes makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t

I recommend adding placeholders in these three places:

#1Anchor ads for mobile, tablet and desktop
#2Sticky Sidebar ads
#3Ads above the fold
#4Vignettes ads

That is the recipe that makes sense and that will make you more money whether you use Ezoic, Adsense, Mediavine or any other ad network out there.

You can add as many placeholders as you want below the fold but none of them will beat ad units above the fold or sticky or anchor ads

Having 60 placeholders will make you more money?

I think it might but I don’t see how a placeholder added after paragraph 50 can outperform anchor ads, sticky sidebar ads and ads above the fold.

Try adding more in-content ads and see if that moves the needle

Find High-EPMV Topics

Finding high EMPV topics is a similar recommendation to getting traffic from the richest countries in the World.

It makes sense 100% but it is like a good practice for all publishers regardless of the ad network they use.

If you decide to move out of Ezoic, these high-EPMV articles will continue making you more money.

Good advice but this doesn’t have to do with the Ezoic AI

Write Longer Content

Writing longer pieces of content is another recommendation that can benefit all publishers regardless of the ad network they use.

Longer articles:

  • Keep visitors longer on your site as they try to get at the bottom of your post
  • Rank for more keywords
  • Give more chances to add more placeholders
  • Sticky ads will do better

Good advice but this is not Ezoic doing magic, it is general advice.

This could be also part of a “How to increase your Adsense RPM” article.

Increase Line Height and Font Size

Some publishers recommend increasing the line height and the font size.

I know it is another general advice but it makes a lot of sense if you care about the experience that user have when they visit your site

The better your visitors feel, the longer they will stay on your site

My font size is 20 and my line height is 2.

Good advice but it is another general recommendation

Improve Site Speed

This is another general recommendation regardless of the ad network you use.

The faster your content loads, the faster the ads will show and that increases the chances of your visitors seeing more ads

I use Ezoic caching to make sure the content is delivered as fast as possible. I am not a fan of Ezoic Leap since I don’t need most of the things it offers.

Focus on Revenue

I don’t usually add placeholders that look spammy. I don’t think sites have to look like trash to make you more money

If you are happy about how your site looks 100% of the time, choose revenue focused 365 days a year

Get Yourself An Ads.txt File

This recommendation is not going to help you make $1000 from that placeholder you added after paragraph 60.

But you should check if the ads.txt file is working.

You can learn more about the Ads.txt file from Ezoic official documentation

Set Up AdSense Mediation

If you stop sending traffic to the adsense version of your site, setting up adsense mediation won’t make you rich.

Those Adsense units that you were using stopped collecting data a while ago so they can’t compete against Ezoic ads.


I know that most recommendations given by influencers to increase your EPMV are general best practices and some of them sound like a Master Roshi Exercise

Roshi asks Goku and Krillin to find a Rock with his name written on it that he just threw into the jungle

If you end up getting more traffic from the richest countries of the world or rank for more keywords, it is not something that Ezoic did, it is something that you did and those efforts will make more money regardless of the ad network that you use.

There is no magic or miracles, no ad network is walking on water, you gotta do what you gotta do to increase that EPMV or RPM.

More about Monetization

These are some post to learn more about the monetization of WordPress sites

  1. How to Place Anchor Ads using GeneratePress
  2. Best Ad Placements on your WordPress Site
  3. How to Place Ezoic Ads with Ad Inserter
Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am José Manuel. I am writing about things I know and things that I am learning about WordPress. I hope you find the content of this blog useful.






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